Search Results for: I

Lexmark Loads Printers With WiFi

Lexmark printers are going wireless. The company, along with Ipsos, carried out a study showing that half of 9,000 respondents in 18 countries consider wireless networking as the biggest time-saving technology, beating broadband, faster computers and smart cards. The conclusion led Lexmark vice president Najib Bahous to state that “wireless is the technology wave ofContinue Reading

WiMax In Your Pocket

A new study by In-Stat shows that more Americans prefer WiMax over 3G and Wi-Fi. Of the 1,200 surveyed, 50 percent affirmed they are willing to leave their current broadband provider for another if the latter can offer a wireless broadband package. In addition, many lose their interest in 3G/cellular due to the price ofContinue Reading

Making Metro-scale Wi-Fi Meshes Fly

A metro-scale WiFi is the talk of the town and the dream of the future. Currently meshes are the answer to large scale WiFi networks but meshes may not be able to provide enough capacity for multiple classes of users and multiple applications on the same infrastructure. To combat this problem the mesh vendors areContinue Reading

Going To Town With WiFi

A new WiFi alternative may be on the horizon. Local governments are looking at companies that can provide wireless throughout their entire city or county with the use of wireless transmitters in the public right away. Some customers will be able to use their existing wireless receivers but people who are more than 100 feetContinue Reading

Vonage Shares Plunge On Bankruptcy Fears

Vonage has publicly admitted that it may be on the brink of bankruptcy. They blame the cost of fighting several patent lawsuits for their financial troubles as they report their shares have dropped another 6 percent. Since Vonage went public last May at $17 per share they have lost over 80 percent of their valueContinue Reading

NetStumbler Goes Web 2.0? Say It Ain’t So!

Actually we haven’t, and at this rate we won’t be “Web 2.0″ until 2014. Anyways, as you might have noticed has undergone some more changes. There are several new features that we are very pleased to bring you. Here are some highlights: Comments! Live Search Live Archive Page Category Browsing Tags Easy Bookmarking (AddContinue Reading


Wi-Fi Hotspot Finder City or Zip/Postal Code: Country/Region: United States Europe Canada Australia Asia S. America S. Pacific Middle EastContinue Reading


NetStumbler 0.4.0 Installer NetStumbler 0.4.0 is the long-awaited version that supports more cards than ever before, and even includes help! Release Notes (PDF) MiniStumbler 0.4.0 Installer MiniStumbler 0.4.0 now works on most (but not all) Hermes, Prism and Atmel chipsets, including some CF and SDIO cards. Release Notes (PDF)Continue Reading


NetStumbler (also known as Network Stumbler) is a tool for Windows that facilitates detection of Wireless LANs using the 802.11b, 802.11a and 802.11g WLAN standards. It runs on Microsoft Windows 98 and above. A trimmed-down version called MiniStumbler is available for Windows CE. NetStumbler is commonly used for: Wardriving Verifying network configurations Finding locations withContinue Reading

Skype 2.6 Beta Released For OS X

Mac users can now download the new version of Skype for their OS. According to Skype’s website, the new 2.6 beta offers “improved audio quality” and enables users to transfer calls to their contacts. The call forwarding ability is exclusive to this version. Other new features include typing indicators, dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) signals in Skype-to-SkypeContinue Reading

Which Verizon Patents Did Vonage Violate?

Vonage was found guilty of violating three of Verizon’s business method patents. Two of the patents define VoIP traffic and how it’s handled on traditional Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTN). The third patent covers the spectrum from wireline to Wi-Fi VoIP support. Via []Continue Reading

Taking Wireless To The WiMax

Chicago is about to become one of the first cities where people can stay connected wherever they go. This next generation of computer communications allows users to stay connected wirelessly to the Internet as they travel through the city. Motorola Inc. has constructed this technology and handed the reigns over to Sprint Nextel Corp. whoContinue Reading

Don’t Use WEP For Wi-Fi Security, Researchers Say

If you’re relying on Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol for Wi-Fi security you may be at risk. Three German security researchers have found a way to tap into WEP protected data within a minute. Previosly, WEP had been criticized for flaws in the basic algorithm structure but cracking into the system took several minutes. Now,Continue Reading

Bangladesh Stuck In Telecoms Jam

The VoIP sector in Bangladesh is under threat. The technology, though used widely in many countries around the world, is illegal in Bangladesh and will likely remain so as the government hopes to shield the state-owned telephone company, the Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board, from any competition. And its future becomes bleaker now that theContinue Reading

New Attack Cracks WEP In Record Time

Researchers at the Technische Universitat Darmstadt have found a way to crack 104-bit WEP, a typical security tool for 802.11b/g/n networks. The team used a 1.7GHz Pentium-M machine to compute the success rate of grabbing the key. The attack needs sufficient traffic, so the researchers made the protected network generate packets. At 40,000 packets, theContinue Reading