Search Results for: I

Meru Unveils Enterprise 802.11n WLAN Gear

Meru Networks has unveiled its new enterprise-class wireless LAN products that comply with the IEEE 802.11n draft standard. These include a two-radio access point, a five-blade controller and new software for handling wireless data traffic, which Meru will bring to the Interop Las Vegas show later this month. These products, according to company, allow forContinue Reading

Skype Your Way To Learning Chinese

Learning Chinese is now made easy by Skype. Stephanie Xu from Beijing has been teaching Chinese for over a month now and lauded the high sound quality of the VoIP application. Xu charges 80 renminbi for her online tutorial sessions or 20 renminbi less than what her offline students pay. The reason: it saves herContinue Reading

City Of London Fires Up Europe’s Most Advanced Wi-Fi Network

People who work in and visit the City of London can now have broadband Wi-Fi connection anytime, thanks to a network provided by The Cloud, Europe’s largest Wi-Fi network operator. “We feel it is important to provide this technology to maintain our position as the world’s leading international financial centre,” remarked Michael Snyder, who chairsContinue Reading

Vonage Requests Retrial In Verizon Patent Dispute

Vonage has petitioned the U.S. Appeals Court for the Federal Circuit to defer its appeal and order a retrial of its patent dispute with Verizon. The company cited the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the KSR International v. Teleflex suit, which stated that the current test for patent obviousness is too stiff for suspect patentsContinue Reading

How To Keep Your Wi-Fi Network Safe

With the ease in cracking the Wireless Equivalent Protection (WEP) code, many experts have recommended the use of Wi-fi Protected Access (WPA) to secure home wireless Internet networks. Unlike WEP, which hackers can breach in as little as 60 seconds, WPA appears to be a formidable protocol. “We have had a very close look atContinue Reading

Free Wi-Fi Software Nixes Need For Routers

Scientists at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology are offering their WiPeer software for free. The downloadable application can wirelessly connect computers within 300 feet of each other inside buildings and within 900 feet outdoors without the use of routers. Through the wireless link, users can exchange photos, perform online chats, and send 700MB files inContinue Reading

Fon’s New Friend – Time Warner Cable

Is a Fon subscription right for you? Fon is a start-up wireless broadband network that uses other people’s bandwidth to get its clients online. Currently many people use someone else’s open WiFi network to get online, a practice that is generally a violation of the subscriber’s service contract. But that may soon change. Time WarnerContinue Reading

Wi-Fi: Children At Risk From ‘Electronic Smog’

Sir William Stewart, head of the Health Protection Agency in the U.K., wants a probe on whether the use of Wi-Fi in schools poses any danger on students. Such action is also being sought by the Professional Association of Teachers — the group has called on Secretary of State for Education Alan Johnson to launchContinue Reading

Child Porn Case Shows That An Open WiFi Network Is No Defense

Leaving a wireless access point (WAP) open is generally considered a bad idea. Experts suggest you could be opening yourself to criminals by not password protecting your WiFi Network. But if you are a criminal then keeping and open WAP may become your defense. A growing number of file sharers believe they can throw reasonableContinue Reading

Wi-Fi: Children At Risk From ‘Electronic Smog’

Sir William Stewart, head of the Health Protection Agency in the U.K., wants a probe on whether the use of Wi-Fi in schools poses any danger on students. Such action is also being sought by the Professional Association of Teachers — the group has called on Secretary of State for Education Alan Johnson to launchContinue Reading

Southwest Reaching For Wi-Fi In Sky

Southwest Airlines is looking to add WiFi services to its flights. They’re hoping to begin rolling out a prototype within the next nine months. Eventually, the plan is that travelers will not only be able to access their email but also have more entertainment options during their flights. The appeal of WiFi during long flightsContinue Reading

WiFi Thieves Busted In The UK

The city of Redditch in the UK has two unlikely criminals. The pair were recently arrested for using other people’s WiFi broadband internet connections without permission. Neighbors had become frustrated at the man parked in front of their home on his laptop and called the police. The police arrested the man and cautioned him forContinue Reading

Find WiFi By Phoning Home Using Asterisk

Locating a HotSpot has been made easy by the new Asterisk WiFi Hotspot Finder plugin. All you need to do is get Asterisk — an open source VoIP phone system — and install it in your PC. You also need to have a VoIP-to-POTS (normal phone service) provider, a phone system, and the Flite voiceContinue Reading

Cisco Builds Massive Wi-Fi Network In Italian Province

The Italian Province of Brescia will soon become a Wi-Fi zone, thanks to a network being developed by Cisco Systems. The mesh extends over 4,800 square kilometers and covers over 200 rural towns. Cisco put about 600 access points on light poles, and plans to deploy 200 more to complete the project. It also installedContinue Reading

WiMAX Services To Launch In Uganda Soon

Uganda will see its first WiMax service by the fourth quarter of 2007. Wateen Telecom is nearly done with a similar network in Pakistan, where coverage will extend over 22 cities. Its sister company, Warid Telecom, will start offering GSM service at the same time as the WiMax implementation as “the licence in Uganda coversContinue Reading