Platform Aids Location-Aware Wi-Fi Applications

Application vendor Newbury has released a new product to make it easier for enterprises to leverage positional data on thier WiFi clients. The software allows network owners to track the location of clients through a number of AP’s and can launch location specific services based on that location. The system can also track the locationContinue Reading

Down To Business: The Economics Of Metro Wi-Fi

Will metro WiFi ever really work? Governments who have trouble filling potholes responsible for a bleeding edge technology? Some people see it as a blessing and others as a huge curse. The economics of who pays for what, and even logistics such as how much of how much of a downtown office building should beContinue Reading

How Will We Converge Wi-Fi And Cellular?

Now that the buzzword of convergance of WiFi and cellular is going full steam the question now seems to be ‘who owns the talk time?’. If I have a cell phone and am using the cellular network, it’s easy to bill me for the talk time. If I’m at my home or business using theContinue Reading

Use Wi-Fi — Go Straight To Jail

After Illinois fined David M. Kauchak $250 for illegally accessing a wireless network, the question is raised; is a fine and possible jail time the proper thing to do? At the very least this sends the message that innocuous surfing on someone elses connection is against the law and there are consiquiences. It’s also aContinue Reading

Illinois WiFi Freeloader Fined US$250

An Illinois man was fined $250 for accessing a wireless network that was not his own. While there have been other convictions fire theft of services, this is the first citation with a fine on record. While a fine for just ‘freeloading’ on a network makes more sense than jail time, it is very hardContinue Reading

Business Users Are Wary Of 802.11n

With the draft of 802.11n fresh off the presses, questions are already popping up about the usefulness of the technology, particularly in large, multi-AP environments like University campuses. There also seem to be some questions about the effects of 802.11n networks on existing b/g/a networks as wider 40Mhz channels might interfere with existing systems. DespiteContinue Reading

Total Wi-Fi Freedom

Laptops are beginning to arrive on the market with cellular data capabilities built in as well as WiFi. The idea is that the cellular service compliments WiFi in providing access away from the nearest coffee shop. The problem is that service is still expensive and the built in radios are tied to different carriers. HopefullyContinue Reading

Nintendo Users Get Free Wi-Fi Downloads

Nintendo is partnering with BT openzone in the UK to setup WiFi hotspots in game retail stores for Nintendo DS users to download content, demo’s and promotional information. a Million subscribed Nintendo WiFi subscribers is quite the market base for this service. At the very least this proves that Wifi is becoming mainstream. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi Providers Court Smaller Communities

Milpitas, California does’nt seem like a likely place but it is going to be one of the most unwired towns in the US. Smaller communities weem to have less problems with municipal WiFi plans and incumbant service providers don’t try to get in the way. Perhaps muni-WiFi needs to focus on the small towns firstContinue Reading

BellSouth Touts Wireless As A Broadband Backup

Bellsouth is pushing thier WiMax service, setup after Hurricane Katrina, as backup for broadband service in New Orleans. The $29.95 service is bundled with landline broadband service. Via []Continue Reading

Sprint Offshoot Tries Muni Wi-Fi

So the telco’s jump up and down and lobby states to pass laws prohibiting municipalities from offering Municipal Wifi themselves, but are more than happy to step up and do it themselves. Sprint’s offshoot, Embarq is testing a few sites in Henderson, Nevada after the city expressed interest in municipal wireless in October. Via []Continue Reading

Fixed WiMax To Slash 10Mbit/s WAN Costs

Urban WiMax is set to provide 250 London businesses with 10Mbit/sec service through thier fixed WiMax service. The company plans to undercut competing landline providers by up to 50% while also providing redundant internet connections through 2 different providers. Could there be a bandwidth price war in the near future if they are successful? ViaContinue Reading

Can Muni Wi-Fi Be Free?

Craig Settles, noted Muni-wireless pundit has released a study of proposed muni-wifiinstallations and has found that very few realize that at the end of the day, someone has to pay. Touting it at a ‘free network’ is just plain wrong as it eventually becomes a bait and switch with residents and constituents. Politicians think inContinue Reading

WiFi’s Security Secret – Authentication

Knowing that the access point your connecting to, be it the one in your home or the one in your favorite coffee shop are authentic is a major concern for users. They might not be who you think and rigged up to sniff your passwords, credit card or anything else you might send. Various servicesContinue Reading

Intel To Unwire Emerging Indian Tech Hub

The city of Pune, India is going to be unwired by Intel over the next year. The plan is to use WiFi and WiMax technologies to cover 400 square kilometers of the emerging tech hub city with wireless net access. The area is riddled with high tech companies who definatly know a few things aboutContinue Reading