Nokia Brings Wi-Fi To Central Park

Nokia’s found a great way to sell phones in New York — offer free Wi-Fi Internet access networks in 10 major city parks (including Central Park), and make sure park visitors need one of your phones to tap into the service. Users need a phone like the Nokia N80 and N91 or the Nokia 770Continue Reading

Intel’s $600 Million WiMax Bet

Intel, with hopes of encouraging a nationwide service that equips notebook PCs for fast Internet access and Internet-based calling throughout the US, has invested $600 million in Clearwire. This is Intel’s second investment in the Kirkland (Wash.)-based wireless broadband provider, and a big boost for WiMax. WiMax technology is used to cover large areas withContinue Reading

India Looks To Wireless Future

Analysts expect India to have 13 million WiMAX users by 2012, an increase of 11.5 million from the current number. According to Sridhar Pai, chief executive of Tonse Telecom, the country is set to become one of the world’s leading broadband wireless markets over the next six years. Pai ascribed the projected growth with theContinue Reading

Unlimited Wi-Fi For £12 A Month

U.K. WiFi provider the Cloud is offering unlimited wireless access for only £11.99 a month. Customers however should note that the plan involves a one-year contract and a 1GB per month data limit. Nonetheless, the package is a good deal considering that majority of providers impose a fee of £5 per hour of use. ViaContinue Reading

WiMAX In The UK. Here’s Why It Won’t Fly

Given the current conditions, WiMax is not likely to gain widespread adoption in the U.K. anytime soon. WiMax requires exclusive spectrum use but only a few companies, i.e., PCCW and Pipex, own a spectrum. These companies also do not have their own network that is needed to allow for both fixed and mobile use ofContinue Reading

Showdown In Seoul For Wireless Internet

Seoul’s KT Corporation and SK Telecom are now both operating WiBro networks, a Korean version of the 802.16e mobile subsection of the WiMax standard. Korea’s capital city was already wired via public hotspots, but mobile WiMax is offering more by providing wireless data speeds of several mbps plus a range that exceeds 1km. WiBro’s onlyContinue Reading

Paris Wants Wireless Internet Access Across City

Paris is aiming to become the world’s most connected capital city with its plan to have citywide wireless Internet coverage by the end of next year. Under the project, the city will put up 400 free WiFi access points that will beam to the antennae set up by Internet service providers. The city expects toContinue Reading

Virgin Trains Get Connected With WiMax And HSDPA

Virgin Trains has elected to use WiMax to enable passengers get Internet connection from their seat. QinetiQ Rail is providing the technology and has installed it on the company’s Pendolino train. CEO Magnus McEwen-King expects the application of the WiMax-and-satellite combination to bring down costs. “If we were to use WiMax throughout the whole routeContinue Reading

WiFi In Belfast Hospital Bags Award

Techworld named the introduction of Wi-Fi at the Royal Hospitals Group, Belfast as the Public Sector Project of the Year, with systems integrator Telindus receiving the citation. Paul Duffy, IT Manager at the Royal Hospitals, said the technology, which became operational in March 2005, “has helped [the institution] move away from having to have doctorsContinue Reading

BellSouth Plans Significant WiMax Test With Alcatel

Bellsouth is starting to test mobile WiMax. Using thier licensed part of the 2.3Ghz spectrum and Alcatel equipment, Bellsouth is looking at mobile WiMax, but also fixed WiMax for areas that are not serviced by DSL connections. Costs and scarcity of spectrum are causing headaches for WiMax deployment in the US, where companies like SprintContinue Reading

Study: Wi-Fi Cell Phones Will Hit It Big

WiFi capable cell phones were once considered a threat to cellular telco revenue streams, but that perception appears to be changing. With about 20 WiFi capable phones on the market already, the telco’s and particularly VOIP providers are looking at the convergance of technology to solve some problems and boost other revenue streams. 132 MillionContinue Reading

Wi-Fi Lessons Learned In Tempe

To date, no city has managed to make money with a municipal wireless network — but that hasn’t stopped new cities from trying. Those who started early are making the mistakes first, which is something those who follow can benefit from, but proponents insist Wi-Fi will ultimately gain in popularity. Current troubles for citywide networksContinue Reading

Baltimore Proposes ‘Inclusive’ Wi-Fi Plan

Baltimore followed in the footsteps of cities across the US when it announced its plan to create an inexpensive citywide Wi-Fi access network. But Baltimore is approaching its network in an unusual way by focusing on the network’s users rather than the network’s technology. The city wants “digital inclusion” — a way to include segmentsContinue Reading

Why We Must Get 802.11n Right

802.11n is very important to the industy, that’s why they should be sure to get it right. There are a large number of problems with the current proposal that need to be smoothed over to prevent interoperabilty problems and interference with legacy equipment. Homefully they get it right or things will be very interesting. ViaContinue Reading

Poor Wi-Fi Drivers Can Expose Laptops

Drivers are the next playground for WiFi attackers. Improperly written drivers can fail in spectacular ways. 2 researchers are planning on showing off the results of thier use of the tool ‘lorcon’ at Blackhat USA to sieve control of wireless hosts through this new technique. Via []Continue Reading