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WiMAX has a reason to celebrate. The International Telecommunications Union has just approved the non-cellular technology as part of a 3G standard. This means that operators with 3G spectrum in their 2.5 GHz bands globally can use WiMAX to build out a spectrum. The last interface added was back in 1999 when ITU added IMT-2000Continue Reading

Wi-Fi Health Study Gets Go Ahead

The BBC has announced that the Health Protection Agency is going to begin a systematic research program on how WiFi is used. The goal of this study is to determine how WiFi is being used and the possible radiation exposure that results from such use. Spokesmen from the HPA believe that the study will confirmContinue Reading

WiMAX Backers Positioning 802.16e As An Alternative To Municipal WiFi

Chicago’s WiMAX World show displayed a large rift between Mobile WiMAX supporters and municipal WiFi. With continued problems halting all progress in the municipal WiFi world, WiMAX supports say they have the solutions. They contend that their licensed spectrum will guarantee continuous coverage and that indoor reception will not be as problematic as it isContinue Reading

Silicon Valley Wireless Nears Crunch Time

Another massive wireless network has fallen behind schedule, this time the location is California’s Silicon Valley. About 40 municipalities over a 1500 square mile area are still in negotiations but representatives have said that the model should be completed by the end of the year. So far the delay has been blamed on technological improvementsContinue Reading

Apple Eyes The Wireless Auction

The upcoming wireless auction may be drawing another high roller. BusinessWeek has reported that Apple is looking at the possibilities of a purchase. It’s believed that this chunk of wireless spectrum is the last available for creating a mainstream broadband network. It’s believed that signals in this 700Mhz spectrum will be able to provide fasterContinue Reading

Google Launches US Wireless Crusade

Google is looking to offer 95% of the population free broadband within the next 10 years. Unfortunately, it seems that the FCC is thwarting their efforts. Google has contacted the FCC and explained to them their interest in a wireless proposal set forth by M2Z Networks. M2Z is hoping to lease an unused slice ofContinue Reading

IOGEAR Ships Wireless USB Hub, Finally

IOGEAR’s Wireless USB hub is now for sale to interested customers. The price tag: $199.95. The device goes by the name of GUWH104KIT and includes a router with four wired USB hubs. It can wirelessly link different Wireless USB adapters or notebooks. The company first announced this product in June 2006 and the first WirelessContinue Reading

My Wonderful Trip To South Africa That Didn’t Happen Thanks To The TSA And Delta Airlines

I don’t normally post personal items, but I think that everyone should know about some of the horrible things happening at San Diego International Airport and with Delta Airlines. I wrote this immediately after the events that transpired so that I would have an accurate log. Summers are the busiest travel time of the year.Continue Reading

700MHz Auction: What’s Really Up For Grabs, And Why It Won’t Be Monopolized

The FCC’s latest release may actually become this year’s top read. The rules for the upcoming 700 MHz auction is apparently riveting and controversial. One large chunk of spectrum has a number of open access conditions attached to it while the other requires bidders be active in the public/private public safety network. But the newContinue Reading

Does Skype’s Windows Update Story Fly?

Skype’s explanation on the service’s recent two-day blackout was met with skepticism. In a statement, the VoIP provider said: “The disruption was triggered by a massive restart of our users’ computers across the globe within a very short timeframe as they re-booted after receiving a routine set of patches through Windows Update.” Windows maker, Microsoft,Continue Reading

Sprint’s New WiMax To Be Called ‘Xohm’

Sprint’s new WiMAX has a name…Xohm. The company feels the X at the beginning of Xohm gives it an edgy feel but notes the pronounciation is like “home” but with a “z” sound at the beginning. However, the announcement of the name isn’t the only leap the company is taking. They also plan on rollingContinue Reading

Google-funded Startup To Offer Free Wi-Fi In San Francisco

The city of San Francisco has had its ups and downs with a citywide Wi-Fi system and still there is no system in sight. Google has most recently entered the fray, at least peripherally. Meraki, Google funded start up, claims it can cover the city with Wi-Fi for a fraction of the current plan’s costs,Continue Reading

Sprint To Offer WiMAX-enabled Linux Tablet

LinuxDevices has discovered that Sprint will be offering an internet tablet similar to Nokia’s N800 next year. This addition to the Mobile WiMAX market will take advantage of Sprint’s 4G wireless services, which may reach more than 100 million people by 2008. In 2006 Sprint announced their plans to begin the 4G nationwide broadband mobileContinue Reading

iPhone Music Store Plus Apple And Starbucks/T-Mobile Wi-Fi Agreement

We have received word and rumors are spreading that Apple and Starbucks/T-Mobile will be announcing a special deal to allow for iPhone Wi-Fi access at Starbucks/T-Mobile sites. The terms and details of the announcement are not yet known, but we hear that this is going to arrive at the same time that the iTunes storeContinue Reading

Qualcomm Cell Phone Ban To Take Effect

Qualcomm continues to lose the war over patents with Broadcom. U.S. President George W. Bush has announced he will not overturn a June ruling by the International Trade Commission banning the importation of cell phones housing chips infringing Broadcom patents. Qualcomm, however, is determined not to give up the fight. Aside from preparing an appealContinue Reading