Search Results for: I

WiFi Radiation Is Low-risk

A recent Times of London feature said concerns are increasing over health risks posed by exposure to WiFi radiation. The article is partly based on a report to the Irish Doctors Environmental Association affirming the existence of “a growing, consistent body of literature” suggesting that such kind of radiation causes distressing symptoms to WiFi users.Continue Reading

BT Tweaks Its Fusion Wi-Fi Package For Businesses

BT unveiled BT Fusion Wi-Fi, a fixed-mobile convergence solution that aims to lower communication costs in small to medium enterprises. The system involves directing calls over broadband connections via private company WLANs and about 2,000 BT Openzone public access hot spots. Subscribers to the BT Business One Plan pay as little as 5p for aContinue Reading

Wedding The Cell Phone To Wi-Fi

T-Mobile is offering a new service that will allow users to make calls with mobile phones using cellular and Wi-Fi network connections. HotSpot@Home clients pay at least $60 per month and a further $5 for each additional phone. Enrollment to the service is only allowed in corporate outlets in the Seattle-Tacoma region though subscribers canContinue Reading

Clearwire Pushes WiMAX to The Big Time

Clearwire finally rolled out its WiMax service and has chosen Seattle for this maiden venture. The company, which owns a license on 2.5 GHz spectrum, uses a proprietary “pre-WiMax” technology instead of the IEEE 802.16 standard that is equated with the term, for the network. The service offers 768 kbps downlink/256 kbps uplink speeds underContinue Reading

NZ Wireless Has Cash For WiMax Network

Wireless Internet provider NZ Wireless revealed it has earmarked tens of millions of dollars to develop a WiMax network with spectrum that the New Zealand government plans to auction next year. According to NZ Wireless managing director Chris Aspros, the company, which recently rolled out its first WiMax networks in Wellington, obtained funding from aContinue Reading

WiMAX To Roll Out In India

Starting January 2007, broadband subscribers of Bharat Sanchar Nigam (BSNL) will get an upgrade in their connection — speeds will go up from 256 kilobits per second to 2 megabits per second. India’s national telecommunications carrier has no intention to charge more for the service; thus the tariff will remain at 250 rupees (or aContinue Reading

Next-gen Nabaztag Wi-Fi Rabbit Delayed In U.S.

Shipment of the next generation of Nabaztag, a WiFi rabbit from French design house Violet, to the U.S. remains uncertain. The Nabaztag development blog cited issues raised by the Federal Communications Commission, which have now been cleared, for the delay. The new “Nabaztag/tag” is already available in France, the U.K., and the rest of Europe.Continue Reading

Holiday Decorations vs. Wi-Fi Networks

A study by wireless networking firm AirMagnet indicates that holiday decorations cause interference to indoor Wi-Fi network. It found out that tinsels and Christmas wreaths can reduce WiFi signal strength by 25 percent. Chia-Chee Kuan, AirMagnet’s CTO and vice president of engineering, said the introduction of new elements in a corporate environment has potential seriousContinue Reading

Netgear Debuts Long-awaited Wi-Fi Phone

Netgear is bringing its WiFi phone, which can make calls using Skype, to Singapore. The company is selling the handset for S$349 (US$2226) and has preloaded it with Skype software. To make calls through SPH101, the user must be within the coverage of a 802.11b or a 802.11g wireless system and must hold a properContinue Reading

Ofcom Auction Opens Door To Mobile WiMAX, TV

Ofcom is due to auction frequencies that will enable a range of services such as mobile WiMAX, mobile TV, and alternative 3G networks. The British communications regulator plans to put up three bands — 2500-2690 MHz, 2010-2025 MHz and 2290-2300 MHz and in total 215 MHz — for public sale and has sought proposals fromContinue Reading

Wi-Fi Chip Shipments Expected To Top 200M In 2006

According to a new study by the Wi-Fi Alliance and research firm In-Stat, global shipments of WiFi chips will surge to 200.9 million this year from 160.9 million in 2005. Chips for Wi-Fi-enabled laptops and routers make up most of the volume at 75 percent, while those for portable consumer electronics like hand-held video gamesContinue Reading

Qualcomm’s WiFi Joins With Airgo To Battle Intel’s WiMAX

Qualcomm is buying Airgo Networks and announced plans to market the latter’s so-called “802.11n Draft 2.0-compliant” chipset. The said silicon is due to make an appearance at CES 2007 in Las Vegas. Some analysts believe it will not be an easy road for Qualcomm. At the moment, some 370 technical issues beset Draft 2.0 andContinue Reading

A WiFi Mesh Network For Your Car

DaimlerChrysler announced that its field trial of WILLWARN, a research project by the PReVENT initiative aimed at reducing road accidents in Europe, has been a success. The project involves installing WLAN routers in cars to allow drivers to share information on temperature, road conditions, fog, or road obstructions within a 500 meter radius. Car2Car CommunicationContinue Reading

Intel Rolls Out New WiMax Chipset

In Hong Kong, Intel showed off its WiMax Connection 2300 chipset, which it embedded in a Intel Centrino Duo-based computer with WiMax, WiFi and high-speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) 3G capabilities. The silicon, according the company, can extend the range and capacity of wireless networks. DataComm President Ira Brodsky lauded Intel’s move to combine WiMaxContinue Reading

Does Qualcomm Really Have 802.11n Draft 2.0?

Qualcomm’s announcement of the “availability” of a chip complying with Draft 2.0 of 802.11n standard due to its acquisition of Airgo, has raised eyebrows. Conforming to a draft of the standard is not logical. In addition, the IEEE 802.11n group needs to resolve 370 issues that came out of its November meeting and a voteContinue Reading