Category Archives: Standards

FCC Opens 2.5 GHz Spectrum For Wireless Broadband

The Federal Communications Commission today opened a huge swath of spectrum for wireless broadband services, creating incentives for businesses to invest in a third digital pipe to homes and businesses across the country. Via []Continue Reading

Wireless VOIP Not Ready For Prime Time

Enterprise might already be using voice over wireless LAN, but the technology is still far from perfect, admitted networking and telecom executives at this week’s VON Europe conference here. Via []Continue Reading

WiMax Will Be Key To BT’s 21st Century Network Project

BT’s radical plan to upgrade its telecommunications network to cope with the demands of a converged world will rely on the latest wireless technologies. Via []Continue Reading

Study: WiMax, MobileFI No Threat To DSL

Consulting firm The Management Network Group (TMNG), has teamed up with financial house Bear, Stearns & Co. to produce a new market study called Wireless Broadband: The Impact of 802 Technology. The study analyzes the potential business effects of 802.16 WiMAX and 802.20 MobileFI and proprietary technologies. Via []Continue Reading

Greedy Hackers Can Hog Wi-Fi Bandwidth

Greedy computer hackers using open-source Linux machines could steal more than their fair share of bandwidth from Wi-Fi hotspots, Swiss computer scientists have warned. Via []Continue Reading

Kineto Wireless Raises $35 Million; Cellular/Wi-Fi Spec Pending

Kineto Wireless has secured $35 million in third-round funding for its cellular and Wi-Fi integration technology that will provide carriers the ability to enable and control roaming in dual-radio handsets among different networks. Via []Continue Reading

Groups Debate Wireless Spectrum Plans

Those with a vested interest in the future of wireless broadband met here to discuss plans to improve spectrum use and to make way for the wider adoption of the technology. Via []Continue Reading

Wireless Broadband System Looks Toward WiMax

Although standardized products that are expected to drive down the price of WiMax wireless broadband gear may be as much as a year away, Alvarion Inc. on Wednesday used the Wireless Communications Association (WCA) conference in Washington, D.C., to roll out equipment that it said can be easily upgraded to support the emerging standard. ViaContinue Reading

Linux Gets 802.11g Intel Centrino Driver

Intel has published a pre-beta version of its Linux-based 802.11g driver for its Centrino platform in a bid to entice open-source fans to its wireless notebooks. Via []Continue Reading

IBM, Symbol Deal Targets Wireless Roaming

Several top wireless technology developers are teaming up to offer services and products that support a host of advanced applications such as Wi-Fi-to-cellular roaming. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi Group Intros Standards Support Stamp

The Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA) has introduced a colour-coded logo for WLAN products – the better, it claims, to help punters distinguish between different Wi-Fi technologies. Via []Continue Reading

Powell: Wireless Vital To Broadband Future

The Federal Communications Commission is stepping up efforts to establish wireless as a viable broadband option to cable and DSL in order to make high-speed Internet access available to all Americans by 2007. Via []Continue Reading

Calypso Says Negotiating On Cellular/Wi-Fi Handoff Patent

Calypso Wireless said Monday that it is negotiating with what it calls a “major” original design manufacturer about its patented technology that enables seamless hand-offs between cellular and Wi-Fi networks. Via []Continue Reading

The Challenge Of Wi-Fi

Wireless LANs are maturing rapidly but expect rough patches along the way Via []Continue Reading

FCC May Let Wi-Fi Go Between TV Signals

Despite the objections of TV broadcasters, the Federal Communications Commission on Thursday is expected to propose allowing unlicensed wireless services to use vacant airwaves between TV stations. Via []Continue Reading