Category Archives: Products

Early Wi-Fi Gear May Prove Risky Investment

In recent months, the first products based on a draft version of the 802.11g wireless LAN specification have emerged, even though the IEEE hasn’t approved the standard. Nor has it undergone Wi-Fi Alliance’s interoperability testing. Via []Continue Reading

Intel Six Months Away From 802.11a Centrino

Intel is six months away from being able to sample chips for a version of its Centrino mobile computing platform that can support the IEEE 802.11a wireless LAN standard, according to a report from WR Hambrecht and Co. LLC. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi Firewall Gets U.S. Approval

A start-up’s wireless security product won approval from a federal standards organization, paving the way for resale by Hewlett-Packard to the U.S. government. Via []Continue Reading

Linksys PC Card To Support 802.11 A, B And G

Linksys has begun shipping what it claims is the world’s first wireless LAN product capable of operating across both 802.11 WLAN standards: a and b, and the as yet un-ratified 802.11g specification. Via []Continue Reading

Do We Need AP Interoperability?

It remains to be seen how the majority of wireless LAN infrastructures will be deployed in mainstream corporate offices. Will they emerge in a carefully managed, top-down approach championed by IT departments or as a bottom-up effort driven by business units? Via []Continue Reading

Payphones Get A New Lease On Life

Bell Canada and San Diego, Calif.-based technology consulting firm inCode Telecom have come up with an innovative new use for payphones. The two companies have developed a strategy and technology that turns existing payphones into Wi-Fi hotspots. Via []Continue Reading

Dell Makes Wi-Fi Standard On Laptops

Dell Computer Corporation has long been on the Wi-Fi bandwagon, offering a line of TrueMobile Wireless products and making 802.11b miniPCI cards an option in its laptops — the antenna has been built in. Via []Continue Reading

802.11g Consumer Products Now Available

Buffalo Technology Inc. is shipping the industry’s first products based on the 802.11g draft standard. The AirStation G54 broadband router access point will carry an MSRP of $199. The Broadcom based 54Mbps AP will also support 802.1x and WPA with TKIP and AES with a future firmware upgrade. The matching PC card has an MSRPContinue Reading

Sniffer Gains 802.11a Support

Network Associates Inc.’s Sniffer division is adding support for high-speed wireless LAN networks. Starting this week, the company’s Sniffer Wireless protocol analyzer will be able to troubleshoot for both 802.11b and 802.11a networks. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi Stretches Its Boundaries

Communications equipment maker Proxim became the latest company to sell high-powered Wi-Fi networks that travel long distances, essentially providing buyers with an “ISP in a box,” the company’s Chief Executive, Jonathan Zakin, said this week.Continue Reading

Antenna To Boost Wireless Security

An optical antenna that uses a geometrically shaped lens promises to bring greater security to wireless networks for businesses, according to British scientists. Via []Continue Reading

Start-ups Push Wireless LAN Envelope

Two new companies, Mobilian and Vivato, this week will unveil products that hint at the future of enterprise wireless LANs. Via []Continue Reading

Launching: Mobile Operator Wireless LAN

Agere Systems and Proxim Corporation have both entered into strategic partnerships with Swedish mobile solutions provider Ericsson in an effort to push Wi-Fi-based public access hotspots into the mainstream. The goal of the Ericsson Mobile Operator Wireless LAN: to integrate hotspots with mobile 2G and 3G cellular networks and allow roaming between the two typesContinue Reading

Vocera Puts Wi-Fi On Your Collar

The wireless telephone system uses badges on shirt collars rather than handsets, which Vocera says will be useful in warehouses or hospitals. Via []Continue Reading

Microsoft Unveils Networking Hardware

Microsoft plans to release new wired and wireless networking products Thursday into the crowded and hypercompetitive consumer hardware market. Via []Continue Reading