Category Archives: Products

Chipmaker GlobespanVirata Speeds Wi-Fi

Chipmaker GlobespanVirata announced that it has developed an upgrade for wireless networking processors that dramatically increases transfer rates of compressed data. Via []Continue Reading

Tests Confirm Atheros’ Super G Degrades Rival WLANs

Broadcom’s allegation that 802.11g Wi-Fi products based on chips developed by its rival, Atheros, will degrade the performance of nearby wireless networks appears to have been verified by independent tests. Via []Continue Reading

Intel To Push Centrino In 2004

Intel is making a resolution to convince consumers that Centrino notebooks will be the thing to have in 2004. Via []Continue Reading

Faster, More-Secure WiFi

WiFi wireless networks are an unqualified success both in performance and in acceptance by a skeptical public — they let you share an Internet connection among all the PCs in your home for less than $100 a PC. Via []Continue Reading

Creative Sound Blaster Wireless Music

Imagine if you could deftly control your PC’s digital audio and direct it to your living room stereo using an iPod-like device. Via []Continue Reading

Wireless LAN Manager Links Sites

A new wireless LAN access point is designed so that users in remote offices can be managed by a wireless switch in a central site. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi BlackBerry In Works

Research in Motion Ltd. is building BlackBerry messaging devices that run over wireless LANs, company officials confirmed last week. Via []Continue Reading

2004 Is Crunch Time For Wireless Data

Growing numbers of Wi-Fi enabled laptops, GPRS and 3G mobile handsets will make 2004 a breakthrough year for wireless data use, according to Ovum. Via []Continue Reading

Three Vendors Aim To Cut The Cost Of Enterprise Wi-Fi

A trio of wireless LAN vendors have put together a loose coalition of complementary products that it claims has enough RF smarts to see off competition from Wi-Fi specialists, at the same time as undercutting Cisco’s pricey offering. Via []Continue Reading

The Chic Geek

It used to be a chore to get multimedia content from your computer to a stereo or home theatre system – you could string messy wires, or use low-powered FM transmitters that offered poor quality and performance. All that has suddenly changed as vendors rush to corner the market on a new type of homeContinue Reading

Wireless Network Security Concerns Dominate Wi-Fi Show

As a wireless conference and trade show winds down this week, dueling speakers at the show told audiences that wireless was both ready — and not so ready — for prime time in the enterprise. Via []Continue Reading

The End Of The Wireless Access Point?

Despite today’s Wi-Fi Planet show hype, the Pctel plan to turn all wireless PCs into access points isn’t the only way of doing this: Cirond’s SoftAP bundle was announced in May, and that let you do it yourself. Via []Continue Reading

Startup Bolts Smart Antennas To Existing WiFi Chip Sets

Startup Motia came out of stealth mode to announce its first product Tuesday (Dec. 2), an analog signal processing chip that brings smart antenna technology to 2.4-GHz wireless LAN cards and access points. The Stamford, Conn.-based company claims its Javelin chip can improve the gain of existing 802.11b and .11g signals by 6 to 18Continue Reading

Wi-Fi Abuzz In The Enterprise

This week’s Wi-Fi Planet Conference and Expo in San Jose will underscore what industry watchers have been saying for years: Wireless is a powerful technology and business asset. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi To Get Big Extensions

Several companies are readying WLAN hardware and software to address the security and management of remote networks, especially in larger enterprises. Via []Continue Reading