Category Archives: Products

Vernier Update Keeps Wi-Fi Users Under Control

Vernier Networks Inc. today announced the availability of an updated version of its wireless LAN security and management platform. The product is designed to help organizations manage increasingly complex Wi-Fi networks and curb the threats posed by worms and viruses. Via []Continue Reading

WiFi Upstarts Fight For Advantage Over Heavyweights

Don LeBeau’s sales vision propelled Cisco Systems from a mid-tier player to the leading provider of Internet equipment a decade ago. Now he’s trying to repeat the performance as chief executive of Aruba Networks, a scrappy start-up selling wireless gear to large companies. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi To Your Car

If you can send MP3 files wirelessly around your house using 802.11b, why not pipe music via Wi-Fi to your family car as well? Wi-Fi can transfer music to an MP3 jukebox in the trunk when your car is in the garage or parked nearby. Via []Continue Reading

Where Are The Standards?

Interoperability problems are only going to get worse as more companies implement non-standard extensions to Wi-Fi devices. Via []Continue Reading

Nomadix Patents Wi-Fi Hotspot Log-in Tech

Wi-Fi providers who redirect users’ web browsers to their own log-in page may soon have to cough up cash if they want to continue using the technique – US network access software company Nomadix has patented it. Via []Continue Reading

Atheros To Release Single-chip 802.11g Product

Atheros Communications will release a single-chip 802.11g product in the second quarter that lowers the cost of placing that technology in notebooks or personal digital assistants (PDAs), Atheros said Monday. Via []Continue Reading

Netopia Pushes Wi-Fi Cordless Phones

Broadband equipment maker Netopia on Friday announced a program designed to spur manufacturers to develop more Wi-Fi cordless phones. Via []Continue Reading

Intel Preps Centrino Wi-Fi Support For Linux

Intel is to develop Linux drivers for its Centrino platform, providing the open source OS with access to the notebook system’s wireless networking technology. Via []Continue Reading

Round-up: 802.11g-based USB 2.0 Adapters

It took a while, but 802.11g-based USB adapters are now available from most vendors. In this mini-roundup, we’ll look at USB 2.0 offerings from four major vendors–Buffalo Technology, D-Link, IOGear, Linksys, and Netgear. Via []Continue Reading

Super G Doubles 802.11g Performance

Once upon a time, we were awed by the 11-Mbps top throughput of 802.11b wireless networking and were glad to have it. Then last year, the much faster 802.11g appeared, with its 54-Mbps data rate threshold and 802.11b compatibility. But if that still isn’t enough to keep your business or home network humming, consider theContinue Reading

Intel Updates Centrino With New Wi-Fi Part

Chipmaker Intel is making new Wi-Fi parts available in its Centrino bundle of chips so that PC makers can use the latest Wi-Fi standard in their notebooks. Via []Continue Reading

SMC Launches New 802.11a/b/g Router

SMC Networks Inc. launched a new wireless router Wednesday, aimed at users who want to share multimedia files on different computers over a home network. Via []Continue Reading

Dell Preparing Axim X3 With Bluetooth, Wi-Fi

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has approved for sale in the U.S. an Axim X3 personal digital assistant (PDA) from Dell Inc. with both a Bluetooth and an 802.11b chip, according to documents posted on the FCC Web site. Via []Continue Reading

A Quarter Of Products Fail Wi-Fi Tests

More than a quarter of Wi-Fi products fail compatibility tests the first time, according to the Wi-Fi Alliance, the body that promotes Wi-Fi use. Most users find that Wi-Fi devices work the first time with any hotspot, however, because the problems are always fixed before the product earns the Wi-Fi badge — the 1000th ofContinue Reading

NetGear Plugs Wi-Fi Into Hi-Fis

NetGear unveiled a Wi-Fi device on Tuesday that is designed to retrofit stereos so they can connect to wireless networks. Via []Continue Reading