Category Archives: Products

Kit Speeds Wireless-LAN Development On Linux

AbsoluteValue Systems Inc., an early supporter of IEEE 802.11-compliant chips on open-source platforms, is offering an embedded-software package that will support .11a/b/g chip sets on any Linux platform. The AVS 802.11 WLAN Development Platform marks AbsoluteValue’s turn away from original design manufacturers to a different customer base. Via []Continue Reading

WiFi Price War Whacks Conexant

Conexant’s third-quarter revenue will fall about $40 million short of estimates because of a price war breaking out among WiFi chip suppliers. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi Security Still Spotty

In addition to being faster than their predecessors, new Wi-Fi-certified 802.11g wireless products promise better protection from snoops, thanks to Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) encryption technology. But even though the WPA standard was introduced about a year ago, some 802.11g products may not support it. Via []Continue Reading

Netopia Delivers Do-It-Yourself Wi-Fi

Why should the big boys like Starbucks and Borders Books have all the Wi-Fi fun? Netopia is peddling a Netopia Hot Spot Starter Kit that enables the little guys to offer high-speed wireless at their places of business without racking up high installation costs. Via []Continue Reading

T-Mobile Unveils Wi-Fi PDA-phone

T-Mobile has revealed that it is indeed planning to offer a third incarnation of its MDA (Mobile Digital Assistant) PocketPC-based phone that will feature a QWERTY keyboard and Wi-Fi support. Via []Continue Reading

UPS To Wield Wi-Fi Rings Of Power

Delivery company UPS is to give wireless rings to all its 55,000 sorting staff, to scan and track packages. Via []Continue Reading

Feelings Of Insecurity

It’s been said by some that the problems with security in wireless networks are no longer an issue — the tools are available to fix anything that could come up. Whether encrypting your own traffic with Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) or virtual private networks (VPNs), or running a full fledged intrusion detection system (IDS) toContinue Reading

Intel Wi-Fi Module Trims Centrino Prices

Intel yesterday announced a pair of new 90nm Pentium M processors, this time extending the line downwards. Via []Continue Reading

Linksys Preparing 802.11g CompactFlash Card

Linksys has revealed plans to market an 802.11g CompactFlash card, making it the first company to announce such a product. Via []Continue Reading

Cisco Targets Cities With Wireless Offering

Cisco is offering networking equipment to enable wireless communications for entire cities. Potential users of its Metropolitan Mobile Network are city, state and federal agencies, including public-safety organizations, as well as transportation and public-works departments. Via []Continue Reading

Intel Invests In Smart Antennae To Drive Wi-Fi, WiMAX

Intel has invested in ‘smart antenna’ developer Motia. It’s not clear how much Intel has given the company, which announced the investment as a part of a $12m third funding round. Intel Capital, the chip giant’s VC wing, has already invested in Motia. Via []Continue Reading

Cisco Adds Wi-Fi Support To Routers

Cisco Systems Inc. on Monday introduced a card that adds IEEE 802.11b and 802.11g WLAN (Wi-Fi) support to its 3200 Series routers. Via []Continue Reading

Gadgets Secure PCs On Public Wi-Fi

With the proliferation of hotspots comes a security risk of intrusions onto laptops or public PC kiosks connected to public Wi-Fi networks. Two companies have unveiled a solution: Plug-in hardware devices that lock down sensitive information and secure communications over both wireless and wired networks. Via []Continue Reading

Taking Stock: Wireless Networking Moves Home

The biggest headache in deploying a wireless network is security. Via []Continue Reading

Olympic Level Wi-Fi

From July 9 to 18, the role of Wi-Fi as a means of logistics support will be put to an Olympic-sized test. The venue: Cal State Sacramento’s Hornet Stadium. The event: The U.S. Olympic Track and Field Trials. The challenge: Provide Wi-Fi access not just to hundreds of reports and thousands of spectators, but alsoContinue Reading