Category Archives: HotSpots

Leader: Wi-Fi: Right Time, Wrong Place?

Are you going to make that cup of mocha-chocca latte last all day sir? Via []Continue Reading

Intel, Others To Offer Free WiFi Day

In three events to be held simultaneously on Sept. 25, a number of hardware and service providers will fete consumers with “One Unwired Day”, combining Lollapalooza with the Internet café. Consumers will be able to choose from a list of Wi-Fi public hotspots offering free service, while listening to a free concert. Via []Continue Reading

Sprint PCS To Offer Public WiFi

Sprint Corp. plans to offer high-speed wireless Internet access in the U.S. for laptops equipped with WiFi by the end of summer, joining a growing number of major phone companies that have embraced the hot technology. Via []Continue Reading

Hot Spots Elude RIAA Dragnet

Early last spring, NYCWireless co-founder Anthony Townsend got a note in the mail saying that someone on his network had been violating copyright laws. Via []Continue Reading

Get Free Wi-Fi, While It’s Hot

Over the years, I’ve seen a handful of news items and at least one documentary on water divining. Usually the practice proliferates during droughts. It involves a tool such as a forked or Y-shaped stick and someone—a dowser—who can use the tool to find water underground. The tail end of the Y bends down whenContinue Reading

As WiFi Surges, Asia-Pacific To Outpace North America

There will be 28,000 WiFi hotspots around the world by the end of this year, and more than 160,000 of them in four years, Allied Business Intelligence said Thursday, and it predicted that in five years the Asia-Pacific region will have more wireless hotspots than North America. Via []Continue Reading

Kensington WiFi Finder Helps Locate Hotspots

Home handypeople may be familiar with the “StudSensor,” a device that uses ultrasonic signals to find wooden studs behind the sheetrock in the walls of your house. Now computer peripheral maker Kensington has introduced an alternative for users looking for Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) connections when they’re on the road: The WiFi Finder, a handheld wirelessContinue Reading

Speakeasy Lets You Become Your Own Wi-Fi ISP

Seattle Internet service provider Speakeasy has recently introduced Wi-Fi NetShare, a service that allows Speakeasy customers to easily and legally share their high-speed Internet connections with their neighbors.Continue Reading

McDonald’s Starts WiFi Access In Bay Area

McDonald’s became the first fast-food chain Tuesday to offer high-speed wireless Internet in the Bay Area, another sign that the wireless technology is spreading from geek techies to mainstream. Via []Continue Reading

Sit, Sip And Surf

Will Wi-Fi change the way you access the Net? Some companies think so, but for now, your options are limited. Via []Continue Reading

Gartner Projects Rapid Growth For Hot Spots

The number of wireless LAN (WLAN) hot spots worldwide will more than double by 2005, but the services are unlikely to reach “critical mass” until three to five years from now, according to a Gartner Inc. analyst. Via []Continue Reading

Dell Builds Its Wireless Portfolio

Dell Computer is going wild with wireless. Via []Continue Reading

Free To Roam

This summer, you will be able to lounge in a park downtown and surf the Web for free, courtesy of the City of Milwaukee. Via []Continue Reading

Lufthansa To Give Wing To Broadband

Broadband access will be the latest in-flight service for travelers on Lufthansa, coming after an agreement struck by the German airline and a Boeing subsidiary devoted to mobile communications. Via []Continue Reading

A New Wave Of Wireless

It’s Saturday afternoon, and Art Slater sits at his perch in the bay window of the Cyberstop Cafe. The thin card he slides into the side of his laptop detects a wireless signal, an icon pops up on the bottom of the screen, and Slater clicks on it to connect to the signal coming fromContinue Reading