Category Archives: HotSpots

Asia Sees Tenfold Growth In Wi-Fi Hotspots In ’03

The Asia-Pacific region experienced the most dramatic spread of wireless local-area networking hotspots of anywhere in the world in 2003, seeing a more than tenfold increase over 2002, according to BWCS, a market research and consultancy service in the U.K. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi Reaches For The Skies

BT is installing Openzone Wi-Fi access points in 80 British Airways customer lounges around the world. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi In The Real World – Pt. 2

Last week, we explored the practicalitie of using Wi-Fi in London. As the UK’s most populous area, London was always going to play host to some of the nation’s first public Internet access hotspots. But wireless is all about mobility, and its value is severely limited if you can’t get an Internet connection when you’reContinue Reading

Restaurant Chain: Free Wi-Fi Is Good For Business

Schlotzsky’s says it will expand its program to provide free wireless hotspot access. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi Roaming Pacts Roundup

Wi-Fi continues to be embraced by the wireless industry and its consumers. Looking to garner an even larger piece of the Wi-Fi pie, Sprint and Boingo Wireless have forged separate roaming agreements with new partners. Via []Continue Reading

Orange To Double WiFi Sites In France In 2004

French mobile phone operator Orange plans to double the number of its WiFi sites in France in 2004 but does not expect strong revenue growth from the technology that allows high speed mobile Internet access in public places. Via []Continue Reading

Free-For-All Access To Wireless LANs

The convenience of wireless access typically comes with a high price tag. But that’s changing. Some airports and hotels have begun installing 802.11 Wi-Fi networks and letting travelers use them for free. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi In The Real World – Pt. 1

Wi-Fi Internet access may sound like the best thing since sliced bread, but does it yet make mobile working a reality? The Reg went wireless to find out. Here, Nico Macdonald checks out the UK capital’s hotspot scene. Next week, we take a trip out of town. Via []Continue Reading

European Train Operator Considers Wi-Fi

Train operator Eurostar is set to begin testing wireless Internet access on its cross-channel services later this year, joining operators such as GNER and Virgin Trains that are already experimenting with the service. Via []Continue Reading

Grammy’s Go Wi-Fi

T-Mobile obviously understands that sometimes you have to give a little to get a little, or even a lot. Its latest Wi-Fi promotion with Borders Books & Music gives Wi-Fiers a sneak peek at the Grammy’s. Via []Continue Reading

What Makes A Spot Hot?

Will we see the economics of the cellular industry appear in the fast growing national WiFi HotSpot expansion? If so, when?Continue Reading

Seattle Needs To Appreciate Its Free Wi-Fi

“FREE WI-FI IS HERE,” proclaims the banner atop the Rusty Pelican in Wallingford. Below, in tiny type, is the caveat, “While dining.” Via []Continue Reading

T-Mobile To Offer Wi-Fi To Comcast Customers

Cable broadband customers will have more incentive to take their home high-speed Internet experience on the road thanks to a new venture to be announced Monday by T-Mobile, the USA’s top Wi-Fi provider, and Comcast, the No. 1 cable and broadband seller. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi Program Catches On At Schlotzsky’s

If Schlotzsky’s experience with free Wi-Fi is any indication, this phenomenon will likely spread. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi Gaining In The Enterprise

Wi-Fi hotspot aggregators are increasingly appealing to IT organizations, as the wireless technology becomes a complement to existing enterprise remote access and broadband services, according to a report from META Group. Via []Continue Reading