Category Archives: HotSpots

Wi-Fi ‘Hotspots’ For Web Access And Crime?

While Wi-Fi access is becoming almost ubiquitous it seems there are still doubts in users’ minds about where they would feel safe getting out their laptop. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi RFID Tackles Medicine

Radio Frequency identification, or RFID, a high-tech solution to replace barcodes as the number one way to track assets and automatically collect data in any organization, is quickly taking on a life of its own as companies like Wal-Mart begin using it to make sure no widgets are misplaced. Via []Continue Reading

Internet Cafes Passé As Whole Cities Become Wireless

Philadelphia is debating making all 134 square miles of the city the world’s largest wireless hot spot. Boston, Atlanta, New York, Los Angeles and other cities are considering parallel moves. In Europe, the firm HotSpot Amsterdam is set to go citywide in the Dutch capital soon. Via []Continue Reading

Businesses Cast Wi-Fi Lures To Hook Customers

Chicago commercial real estate developer Tim Donohue no longer pays rent for an office. With so many free Wi-Fi establishments popping up, he can tap into their Internet signals – and his cell phone – to accomplish his daily business needs. Via []Continue Reading

Students, College Face Off Over Wi-Fi

A disagreement over public and private wireless networks is stirring up high-tech tension at the University of Texas at Dallas. Via []Continue Reading

Boingo Bolsters Hotspot Security

Boingo Wireless said Wednesday that it has added 802.1x and WPA security support to its network of hotspots. Via []Continue Reading

Semper Wi-Fi

The Marines and Navy medical staff of the 3rd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, based in Camp Salerno, Afghanistan, built a private, wireless, satellite-based network to support personal e-mail service and Internet-based phone calls to family and friends back home. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi Trains Get Two-way Satellite

A bi-directional satellite link will make train Wi-Fi more of a business service, says 21Net, but its arrival in the UK may face delays. Via []Continue Reading

Rolling Wheat Fields Are Also Wi-Fi Country

Walla Walla County is better known for wheat fields than Wi-Fi. But a small community-owned utility in this agriculture-dependent region has constructed one of the largest wireless Internet networks in rural America, rolling out high-speed connections across about 1,500 square miles. Via []Continue Reading

Beer Garden Of England Gives Pub-goers Wi-Fi

Kent’s drinkers can now get surfing as well as getting a Spitfire ale – Shepherd Neame, Britain’s oldest brewer, has decided to open Wi-Fi hotspots in 15 of its pubs. Via []Continue Reading

Like Democrats, GOP Conventioneers Fail To Lock Down Wireless

Newbury Networks’ war drive found thousands of unsecured access points around Madison Square Garden, even though the GOP had declared its convention a Wi-Fi free zone. Via []Continue Reading

Philly Goes Wi-Fi Crazy

The grand city of Philadelphia unveiled today an ambitious plan to coat the city with Wi-Fi, using a mix of public and private funds to provide the service. Via []Continue Reading

Inexpensive Equipment Spurs On SoCal Wi-Fi Group

Wi-Fi equipment developer Sputnik is providing software and hardware to SoCalFreeNet, a group of 802.11 enthusiasts planning to blanket San Diego, Calif. with free wireless access. Via []Continue Reading

Amsterdam Start-Up To Offer WiFi Internet Citywide

Amsterdam’s Web surfers could soon be liberated from their home computers and Internet cafes, with plans by a start-up firm to make their city the first European capital where laptops can hook up anywhere to the Web. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi Wall Jacks To Enable Wireless Grid

Businesses looking to deploy a wireless LAN will soon have an alternative to climbing a ladder and installing access points on the ceiling. Aruba Wireless Networks Inc., a Wi-Fi systems vendor, and Ortronics Inc., a provider of cabling systems, on Monday are unveiling Wi-Fi wall jacks. Via []Continue Reading