Category Archives: HotSpots

Wi-Fi Comes To Air Travel

Hot spots for wireless Internet links are really taking off, with El Al Israel Airlines currently examining the possibility of operating an infrastructure for wireless Internet connection for airline passengers, Haaretz has learned. El Al officials are checking the technology and receiving proposals from Internet service providers (ISPs) interested in operating the service, which isContinue Reading

Chicago Public Library Offers Free Wi-Fi

Chicago Public Library Commissioner Mary Dempsey rolled out free wireless Internet connections at the main Harold Washington Library Center and 76 branches. Via []Continue Reading

Lawsuit Halts Sprint Wi-Fi At Truck Stops

Service was halted Tuesday to wireless-fidelity hot spots at more than 500 truck stops nationwide — including some in Nebraska and Iowa — disrupting Internet access for thousands of truck drivers. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi Device Finds Hotspots

More and more venues are becoming hotspots. Using the wireless 802.11x protocol better known as Wi-Fi, these hotspots can be found in airports, libraries, coffeehouses, restaurants, shopping malls and just about any other public location you can imagine. But unless there’s a sign posted somewhere, you may not be able to easily find one. ViaContinue Reading

Public Wi-Fi Networks Limp Into Life

The public wireless local area network (Lan) market is finally taking off, with the combined spend on services in the US and Western Europe forecast to reach around €4.7bn by 2009, newly published market research has found. Via []Continue Reading

Philly, Verizon Strike WiFi Agreement

The city of Philadelphia and Verizon Communications Inc. struck an agreement Tuesday that would allow the city to provide wireless Internet access as a municipal service even if Gov. Ed Rendell signs legislation to give Verizon the power to scuttle the project. Via []Continue Reading

Wireless Broadband Service Gets Major Cash Injection

The Netvigator service is receiving a $40m boost from its parent company, amid concern that a nationwide rollout has been shelved. Via []Continue Reading

SBC Extends Wi-Fi Reach

SBC Communications has teamed with Barnes & Noble and Avis Rent A Car System to expand its FreedomLink Wi-Fi service offering. In separate deals, Barnes & Noble now is offering SBC wireless access at several hundred bookstores across the United States, while Avis has agreed to make the service available at up to 88 AvisContinue Reading

Lobbyists Try To Kill Philly Wireless Plan

Philadelphia’s plan to offer inexpensive wireless Internet as a municipal service – the most ambitious yet by a major U.S. city – has collided with commercial interests including the local phone company, Verizon Communications Inc. Via []Continue Reading

Taipei To Cloak City In World’s Largest Wi-Fi Grid

Dennis Tseng is an avid Web surfer who loves to hang out in Taipei’s upmarket Hsinyi district, where wireless Internet access is freely available to all. Via []Continue Reading

Pa. May Block City ‘Wi-Fi’ Plan, Backers Say

Supporters of Philadelphia’s plan to provide wireless Internet access blasted a bill in the state General Assembly last night that they said threatened the city’s proposal. Via []Continue Reading

IPass Tees Up Flat-Rate Wi-Fi Package

On Monday iPass announced an addition to its security capabilities, Endpoint Policy Management, which ensures that the software and operating systems connected to the enterprise network are updated remotely and automatically. The company also offers usage records. Via []Continue Reading

Sweden’s Rail Stations To Roll Out Wi-Fi

Sweden’s railway stations are to gain public Wi-Fi hotspots, with the first 55 sites coming on line by the end of January 2005, it emerged today. Via []Continue Reading

British Library Tunes Into Wi-Fi

The British Library – the UK’s answer to the Library of Congress – has equipped its St. Pancras, London repository with Wi-Fi access. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi Enabled Lodging

Reading e-mail and surfing the Internet via high-speed wireless connections is growing more widespread in U.S. hotels, but prices vary widely and not every chain offers connections just yet. Via []Continue Reading