Category Archives: Deployment

Wherefore And Wi-Fi

The hottest star in the tech investment galaxy is Wi-Fi. But as with many things that burn too brightly, the industry Wi-Fi hype might burn out before everyone notices its light. Via []Continue Reading

Free To Roam

This summer, you will be able to lounge in a park downtown and surf the Web for free, courtesy of the City of Milwaukee. Via []Continue Reading

Lufthansa To Give Wing To Broadband

Broadband access will be the latest in-flight service for travelers on Lufthansa, coming after an agreement struck by the German airline and a Boeing subsidiary devoted to mobile communications. Via []Continue Reading

A New Wave Of Wireless

It’s Saturday afternoon, and Art Slater sits at his perch in the bay window of the Cyberstop Cafe. The thin card he slides into the side of his laptop detects a wireless signal, an icon pops up on the bottom of the screen, and Slater clicks on it to connect to the signal coming fromContinue Reading

Free Internet ‘Hotspots’ Lure The Laptop Crowd

Why pay for Wi-Fi when you can get it for free? Via []Continue Reading

Cellular Carriers Under Siege

As more rivals, such as Wi-Fi outfits, ISPs, and even radio broadcasters, encroach on their turf, the wireless providers may need to merge. Via []Continue Reading

McDonald’s To Offer Wireless Internet In 3 U.S. Cities

Would you like super-sized Internet access with that burger and fries? Via []Continue Reading

Will Cometa Burn Up In The Hotspot Market?

If Cometa Networks is to succeed in its quest to build the first nationwide network of Wi-Fi hotspots, they need to listen to what Amy Cravens is saying about the future of wireless Internet access. Via []Continue Reading

Brown Turns To Bluetooth In $120 Million WLAN Deployment

In one of the largest such deployments to date, the United Parcel Service plans to roll out Bluetooth and Wi-Fi equipment to 1,700 worldwide locations beginning in June. Via []Continue Reading

Agency Reduces Power On 72-mile WLAN Link

The High Performance Wireless Research and Education Network (HPWREN) has cut back the power it uses on a 72-mile WLAN link between San Diego and San Clemente Island. Via []Continue Reading

FCC Seeks More Spectrum For Wireless

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) continued its push to free more spectrum for unlicensed wireless use Wednesday afternoon by seeking public comment on a proposed rule permitting unlicensed transmitters to operate in additional frequency bands. Via []Continue Reading

AT&T, IBM, Intel Plan Nationwide Wi-Fi Network

AT&T Corp., IBM and Intel Corp. are expected to announce plans to deploy a nationwide network of public access wireless LAN hot spots, code-named Project Rainbow, at a news conference later today. Via []Continue Reading

WiFi Activists On Free Web Crusade

Thousands of tech enthusiasts across Europe are setting up wireless communities to get free Internet access. Via []Continue Reading

Senators Aim To Wirelessly Jumpstart Broadband

Senators George Allen (R.-Va.) and Barbara Boxer (D.-Ca.) are circulating a draft bill to gain early support in the 108th Congress to promote a wireless approach to broadband deployment. An Allen spokesperson said the bill and accompanying “Dear Colleague” letter are efforts to “get beyond the stalemated debate of cable versus DSL.” Via []Continue Reading

T-Mobile Extends WLAN Offering To Europe

T-Mobile has expanded its U.S.-originated wireless local area network strategy to Europe, rolling out the service in hot spots in Germany and Austria. Via []Continue Reading