Category Archives: Cisco

Cisco Adds Wi-Fi Support To Routers

Cisco Systems Inc. on Monday introduced a card that adds IEEE 802.11b and 802.11g WLAN (Wi-Fi) support to its 3200 Series routers. Via []Continue Reading

Cisco To Update Wi-Fi Setup

Cisco Systems is planning to announce on Wednesday a new wireless module for its Catalyst 6500 Ethernet switch that will provide more centralized management and enhanced features for Cisco’s Wi-Fi product. Via []Continue Reading

ReefEdge Plugs Cisco’s Wireless Gaps

Cisco Systems Inc.’s security worries are good news for at least one company, ReefEdge Inc., a leading wireless LAN provider that has launched a product bundle designed to make the network giant’s wireless systems more secure. Via []Continue Reading

Cisco Warns Of Wireless Security Hole

Cisco is warning customers about a security hole in two products used to manage wireless LANs and e-business services in corporate data centers. Via []Continue Reading

T-Mobile Spearheads University WLAN Project

T-Mobile, Cisco, IBM and Intel today used 3GSM in Cannes to announce an initiative to roll out broadband WLAN and mobile networks across European university campuses. The plan will enable students to work and communicate wirelessly and off-campus, using either WLAN, UMTS or GPRS. Via []Continue Reading

Cisco, Intel To Push Wireless Mesh Standard

Engineers from Cisco Systems Inc. and Intel Corp. are trying to kick off an effort to standardize mesh networks, one of the hottest new segments in wireless. The move comes as a handful of startups are hitting the market with proprietary mesh networking technologies embedded in their homegrown ASICs and software. Via []Continue Reading

802.11g Consumer Products Now Available

Buffalo Technology Inc. is shipping the industry’s first products based on the 802.11g draft standard. The AirStation G54 broadband router access point will carry an MSRP of $199. The Broadcom based 54Mbps AP will also support 802.1x and WPA with TKIP and AES with a future firmware upgrade. The matching PC card has an MSRPContinue Reading

Microsoft, Cisco Prepare For PEAP Show

Microsoft and Cisco this week are expected to detail how they will support an emerging IETF wireless security standard for authentication that could quash a competing standards effort. Via []Continue Reading