In the big-money world of U.S. military spending on information technology, Wi-Fi is hot, hot, hot. Via []… Continue Reading
In the big-money world of U.S. military spending on information technology, Wi-Fi is hot, hot, hot. Via []… Continue Reading
When you’re on the road, the hunt for an Internet café can be wearing, and occasionally fruitless. So the next time you pack up and go, consider taking your own hotspot with you. Via []… Continue Reading
Worldwide Wi-Fi VoIP handset revenue will see strong growth until at least 2009 as steady adoption continues, according to Infonetics Research. Via []… Continue Reading
The wave of wireless LAN (WLAN) in consumer applications is just beginning and will have a profound affect on the lives of consumers, according to an industry analyst and executives at fabless semiconductor supplier Marvell. Via []… Continue Reading
Wi-Fi on airplanes just got a lot more entertaining. Boeing this week launched a streaming television delivered straight to your laptop as part of its Connexion by Boeing high-speed Internet service. The video service will debut on Singapore Airlines, and lets passengers watch CNBC, BBC, Eurosport News, and either MSNBC (if you’re flying in the… Continue Reading
Have you ever hopped onto a stranger’s unsecured Wi-Fi connection? If so, you’re not alone. Via []… Continue Reading
The consortium putting together a plan for a city-wide Wi-Fi network in Philadelphia has named three finalists in the race for the contract. Via []… Continue Reading
Converged Wi-Fi and VoIP phones are still a drop in the handset ocean this year – but don’t rule them out as the next big thing yet, a new report has suggested. Via []… Continue Reading
The saga surrounding the fate of struggling wireless kit vendor Proxim Corp. has taken another surprise twist, with an announcement that the company is to be acquired by broadband wireless player Terabeam Wireless for approximately $28 million. Via []… Continue Reading
Intermec, an RFID patent holder at the center of many legal battles, recently took time from its tug-of-war with Symbol Technologies to discuss the future of Wi-Fi. Unlike its competitors in radio tagging and location, Intermec doesn’t expect Wi-Fi to become a prominent player. Via []… Continue Reading
The vendor group is presenting its would-be spec, which is compatible with Wi Fi, to the IEEE. Via []… Continue Reading
WiMax is shaking up the cellular market, according to the latest data from ABI Research. Via []… Continue Reading
ZigBee devices are moving up in integration and down in cost, signaling a potential takeoff for the wireless networking technology. Ember Corp. is ramping up production of what it says is the first single-chip ZigBee solution, as well as its second-generation ZigBee software stack, EmberZNet 2.0. Via []… Continue Reading
Online WiFi service was first tested in 2003 by Boeing aboard a Lufthansa flight from Germany, and United Airlines was the first American carrier to move forward with in-flight WiFi. On board, the planes are equipped with wireless routers, making them WiFi hotspots, like a coffee house or a copy shop on the ground. Via… Continue Reading
This week, the European Commission (EC) in Brussels gave the okay for enabling use of 5GHz spectrum (specifically, the bands between 5150-5350 MHz and 5470-5725 MHz) for license-free use with wireless networks (what the EC calls RLANs, or radio LANs). The move will allow broadband Internet usage in the 25 member states of the European… Continue Reading