Author Archives: Wayne Slavin

Boeing, Intel Partner On In-Flight Wi-Fi

Connexion by Boeing, a business unit of The Boeing Company, and Intel have announced plans to promote high-speed, in-flight wireless Internet services, and say they have successfully finished compatibility tests with laptops that use Intel’s Centrino mobile technology. Via []Continue Reading

Have WiFi Adapter, Will Map

Even today, after devoting an entire month of his life to researching the subject, as well as several more weeks to analyzing the resulting data and then organizing it on a multicolored map that rivals any in a military situation room, Ofir Gal-Mor, 32, of Ramat Hasharon, still has no explanation for the mapping bugContinue Reading

Shopping Mall Boasts Massive Wi-Fi Network

West Edmonton Mall in Alberta, Canada, offers visitors a Wi-Fi network the size of 48 city blocks. Via []Continue Reading

Belkin To Release Updated MIMO Wi-Fi Gear

Belkin said Monday that it is about to released enhanced pre-standard 802.11n Wi-Fi equipment using Multiple Input-Multiple Output (MIMO) technology aimed at home and small office users. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi Phone Options Expand

Zultys Technologies and Meru Networks Inc. have each unveiled plans for products that support voice services over a wireless LAN. Via []Continue Reading

Nintendo Launches Massive Wi-Fi Advertising Campaign For DS

Nintendo is launching its multi-million dollar advertising campaign to promote the online capabilities of the Wi-Fi enabled DS handheld. No doubt much to the delight of cinemagoers everywhere there will be a one minute ad spot to go with the other 29 minutes of crap that precedes half the movies these days. Via []Continue Reading

Big Steps Ahead For WiMAX

The broadband wireless technology has reached some milestones, and certified equipment is expected to ship this year. But it still faces an uncertain future. Via []Continue Reading

BellSouth Launches Wireless Broadband Service

BellSouth announced on Monday that is now offering a wireless broadband service to customers in Athens, Ga. Via []Continue Reading

NASD Warns About Wi-Fi

Investors and traders should protect themselves when using wireless networks, cautions financial industry regulator. Via []Continue Reading

WiMax Market To Hit $124.5 Million This Year

The WIMAX equipment market enjoyed a solid inaugural year in 2004, but according to a new report from Infonetics research, the best is yet to come. Via []Continue Reading

Motorola Reveals Plans For WiMAX Solutions

Motorola Inc, a wireless communications company, has revealed its intention to bring WiMAX (802.16e) solutions to market quickly to meet the increasing demand for fixed and mobile wireless broadband solutions. Via []Continue Reading

LG Electronics Joins 802.11 Joint Patent Licensing Program

Via Licensing Corp. said Tuesday that it has added LG Electronics as a licensor to its joint patent licensing program for IEEE 802.11 implementation patents. Via []Continue Reading

Qualcomm Co-Founder: No Tax Dollars For Wi-Fi

Municipalities should leave the task of building Wi-Fi networks in the private sector’s hands, the co-founder of Qualcomm said Tuesday. Via []Continue Reading

Motorola, Cisco Team On Cellular Wi-Fi

The Motorola and Cisco technology will operate using Wi-Fi inside the enterprise and cellular telephony elsewhere, with a seamless handoff of communications between networks. Via []Continue Reading

Linksys Eases Wi-Fi Security Pain

Linksys has unveiled its first networking products featuring SecureEasySetup technology that allows users to set up a secure wireless network at the push of a button. Via []Continue Reading