Author Archives: Wayne Slavin

Hospital Goes Wireless To Track Patients

Birmingham’s Heartlands hospital is using wireless networking in its ear, nose and throat department to improve efficiency and patient care. Via []Continue Reading

Startups’ Mini-PCI Card Kit, Chip Set Fuel WiMax Race

As two startups fighting to be heard above the big WiMax guns of Intel and Fujitsu, Sequans Communications and Wavesat Inc. this week will separately announce a chip set and a mini-PCI card reference kit designed to accelerate WiMax development and deployment. The announcements come a week after the two vendors commenced WiMax certification testing.Continue Reading

Cisco To Bring Wireless Mesh To Gulf Coast Schools

With its announcement of a $40 million initiative to rebuild schools along the storm-ravaged Gulf Coast, Cisco Systems Inc. tipped its hand on mesh networking plans. Via []Continue Reading

US Equipment Makers Turn To WiMAX

WiMAX is being seen in the US as both a potential 3G-killer and as a competitor to DSL. Via []Continue Reading

Industry Wireless Squabble Gives Newcomers Edge

While so-called “industry leaders” quibble over what will be the one true standard for 802.11n and UWB implementations, there are four different companies pushing the edge in new ways to implement wireless. Three of the four aren’t really mainstream, but all of them hold their own seeds to blow beyond the de facto 802.11g/Bluetooth/WiMax ploddingContinue Reading

Proposed Standard Eases WLAN Management

In enterprise-class 802.11 deployments, network control is limited to the infrastructure, such as wireless switches and access points. Network administrators have little control over wireless client devices such as laptops, PDAs and voice over wireless phones. Uneven distribution of wireless clients on access points typically results in heavily unbalanced networks that suffer bandwidth and accessContinue Reading

WiMax Fever Intensifies

WiMax is one of the fastest growing emerging sectors within the world’s telecoms industry, with the global market potential estimated to be worth up to $1bn in 2007 and $4bn by 2010, according to recent research from analyst firm Maravedis. Via []Continue Reading

Snowboarders Stay Connected With Wireless Winter Wear

Embarking on a long term wireless integration collaboration, Burton Snowboards and Motorola Inc. recently revealed plans to launch a collection of Bluetooth-enabled winter gear for snowboarding tech types that want to stay connected. Via []Continue Reading

Qualcomm Co-Founder Skeptical Of Broadband Wireless Potential

The technology is likely to be too expensive to become as popular as existing mobile phones, said Qualcomm’s Andrew Viterbi. Via []Continue Reading

WiMax Not Cheap Or Easy, Carriers Say

The costs of implementing the new wireless technology are still too steep for widespread deployment, say carriers who have WiMax trials underway–which could mean it will be a while before it’s a viable option for most enterprises. Via []Continue Reading

Motorola, Intel Team On Mobile WiMax

Motorola and Intel are teaming up to accelerate the development and adoption of a broadband technology called WiMax for mobile devices, the companies announced Thursday. Via []Continue Reading

Wireless LANs, The New ‘Secure’ Network

Once considered a playground for hackers and malicious attacks, wireless networks are fast becoming more secure than their wired counterparts. Via []Continue Reading

Tuning In To Wireless Returns

The in-depth research into the wireless capabilities of 403 large businesses sought to discover which wireless devices were being used, the future wireless investment plans of businesses, and what usage policies firms employed to manage wireless investments. Via []Continue Reading

Altera, Wi-LAN Partner On WiMAX

Altera Corp. has teamed up with Wi-LAN Inc. to deliver a programmable, low-cost WiMAX compliant base transceiver station modem. Via []Continue Reading

VCs See Wireless As Investment Hotspot

Wireless ventures get $3 of every $5 invested in telecom, MoneyTree Survey reveals. Via []Continue Reading