Author Archives: Wayne Slavin

Wireless Security Without The Pain

The best burglar alarm system in the world is no protection if the homeowner can’t figure out how to turn it on. Bluesocket clearly knows this. With its BlueSecure line of wireless gateways, the company has emphasized simplicity of setup and configuration. Via []Continue Reading

Routers Let You Watch High-Definition On A Laptop

Home networking is going upscale in time for the holidays. Via []Continue Reading

Mesh Nets Offer Challenges

Though a late entry, Cisco’s first wireless LAN mesh product will throw fuel on an already hot market. Via []Continue Reading

Mobile Industry Tests The Wi-Fi Airwaves

The mobile industry is ramping up for a new generation of cellphones and services combining the long-distance strengths of traditional cellular service with the short-distance, low-cost advantages of Wi-Fi. Via []Continue Reading

Enterprise WLAN Spending Surges

Spending on LAN switches and appliances was particularly strong, with a 22% increase in the quarter. Via []Continue Reading

What Exactly Is WiMAX’s Target Market, Anyway?

British Telecom continued to play the coquette regarding its stance on the WiMAX standard, telling a conference here that it was now investigating the upcoming “nomadic” or mobile version. Via []Continue Reading

Google’s Free-Wi-Fi Offer Is Good For All In Mountain View

Free lunches do exist. It’s just that they’re pretty rare. So when you are offered one, you take it. Via []Continue Reading

SMC Jumps On MIMO Bandwagon

WLAN equipment vendor SMC Tuesday announced a line of 802.11g products that use multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) technology to increase wireless data speeds and increase range. Via []Continue Reading

Ember Ships ZigBee Networking Software

Ember Corporation began shipping EmberZNet 2.0. The second-generation ZigBee protocol stack is designed to support application profiles for home controls and user-defined network applications, according to the company. Via []Continue Reading

Cisco Enters Citywide Wireless Market

Cisco Systems will throw its hat into the municipal Wi-Fi ring on Tuesday when it announces wireless-network product enhancements that extend its technology into outside deployments. Via []Continue Reading

Wi-Fi Found

Wi-Fi finders can save those seeking wireless connectivity on the road a lot of time. In mere seconds, you can scan for the presence of an 802.11 network without having to boot up your laptop. The first generation of hotspot locators looked like little fobs that you could clip onto a key ring. When youContinue Reading

Vodafone CEO: We’re Looking To Broadband And WiMax

With the sun barely set on its 3G launch, Vodafone is already turning its attention to the next generation of radio technologies, including mobile WiMax, and may even make a play as a wireless broadband provider. Via []Continue Reading

Bring On The WiMax Wireless Apps

“The two standards are not the same, and they address very different markets,” says Craig Mathias, principal at Farpoint Group, a consultancy specializing in wireless networking. “We see WiMax dominating for residential and business [wireless] access to the Internet, in fixed, metroscale nets.” Via []Continue Reading

How To Make Wireless Networking Work

Ah, the joy of wireless networking! No more tripping over messy cables or taking turns on the internet. Whether it’s a PC in the bedroom or a notebook PC in your garden, wireless networking, or Wi-Fi, means you can use a computer where it suits you without a cable in sight. Via []Continue Reading

Start-up Aims To Join Telephone And Wireless Calls

A secretive start-up backed by two powerful Silicon Valley venture capital firms will on Monday outline its plans for bridging the gulf between mobile telephones and fixed-line phone networks. Via []Continue Reading