Search Results for: I

The Physics Of Where To Put a Wi-Fi Router

Deciding where to place a Wi-Fi router at home to minimise signal blackspots is a fine art. But a physicist has attempted to tackle the problem by mathematically working out the optimum position for a router. He studied how walls and reflections affected signal strength and concluded that, as common sense might suggest, there’s justContinue Reading

Wi-Fi Security – The Rise and Fall of WPS

Wireless local-area networks which are also referred to as WLANs or Wi-Fi are prevalent these days. They are so popular that they can be found installed in offices, colleges, hotels, cafes, and even homes. There are many Wi-Fi product vendors and service providers, providing different products with different services and features. The main reason behindContinue Reading

Is Marius Milner the unnamed google engineer?

Although sited in a number of articles about Marius Milner being the alleged Google engineer who was behind the WiFi mapping. FCC report on Google Street View Wi-Fi data collection We at have no comment at this time.Continue Reading

How Easy Is it to Write Malware for Android?

The Android platform is currently the top selling mobile platform in the U.S., and in quarter four of 2010 smartphones began to outsell PC platforms worldwide.  Android was even recently picked up as the choice platform for the U.S. Department of Defense. With the ubiquitousness of Android growing, naturally it and other smartphone platforms willContinue Reading

So you want to be a Security Consultant?

This is my first guest blogging opportunity on and I wanted to discuss what I believe is missing in most of the student/consultants I encounter. I would recommend these things for anyone preparing to be a consultant in IT security. So, the first and most important thing to learn in my opinion is TCP/IP.Continue Reading

Offensive Mobile Forensics

Christmas is around the corner. Some of the top gifts are going to be shiny new mobile devices – smartphones, tablets, hacked Kindle Fires, Playbooks, and others. Is Exchange ActiveSync turned on in your environment? What is your plan for handling mobility in the Enterprise? But the biggest question of all is – What doesContinue Reading

Novatel’s MiFi 2352 HSPA Review

SlashGear has gotten their hands on the new Novatel MiFi 2352. What makes this different from the previous version offered by Verizon and Sprint? Well, this one is GSM based and could see 3G download speeds of up to 7.2 Mbits and upload speeds of nearly 5.76 Mbits. For a detailed review, including unboxing picturesContinue Reading


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NetStumbler – 0.4.0 MiniStumbler – 0.4.0Continue Reading

Verizon Opens Up, Will Support Any Device, Any App On Its Network

Verizon has joined the bandwagon and announced a new open access plan for its network. This plan will go into effect next year and means any application can run on any device from any manufacturer and will have full access to the Verizon spectrum. Verizon representatives say this move was prompted by two different motives,Continue Reading

Google May Get Its Open-access Wishes After All; Will Bid In 700MHz Auction

The much anticipated 700MHz spectrum auction in January officially has another bidder. Google has announced that it will toss its hat in the ring. A Google representative says that the company’s goal is to offer American consumers more choices in an open and competitive wireless world. Officially, Google doesn’t have to announce its plans untilContinue Reading

CBS Offers Midtown Manhattan Free Wireless Internet Access

CBS has just made an announcement that is sure to delight New Yorkers. From Times Square to Central Park and from 6th to 8th Avenue will become the new CBS Mobile Zone. This zone will carry free Wi-Fi for cell phones, laptops and other devices that want to access the internet or even make voiceContinue Reading

Can WiMax Make It In The U.S.?

The deal struck between Sprint Nextel and Clearwire back in July has been scrubbed and the national WiMAX network took a hit. Both companies say they will continue to work on the technology independently. Although both companies appear committed to developing WiMAX, their shareholders may actually hold the reins as huge sums of money areContinue Reading

Clearwire, Sprint Call Their Deal Off

The recent departure of Sprint CEO, Gary Forsee, is having some far reaching impact. The WiMAX build out between Sprint Nextel and Clearwire is the latest victim as the proposed joint, nationwide WiMAX effort has been dropped. Sprint’s corporate shake up was not the only reason the proposed venture was nixed,the complexities of the transactionContinue Reading

High-speed Wireless Video Transfers 100X Faster Than WiFi On Tap

IBM has joined forces with MediaTek to develop microprocessor chipsets that will wirelessly transmit videos almost instantly. These chipsets will let you connect HDTVs with set top boxes without the need for wires. They will also transfer data at rates of at least 100 times that of current WiFi standards. This new technology, mmWave wireless,Continue Reading